This is the first in a series of drawings of things that make me happy. Cacti make me happy. I like their survival instinct. I like the unpredicatability of when they might decide to produce a flower. I like that they keep the cat from eating my more delicate plants. I like their various shapes and patterns. I don’t much like forgetting they’re there and picking spikes out of my fingers when I reach for the stapler.

Why do I love elephants so much? No idea. They’re funny looking things - funnier the more you look at them really. But I love that they look out for each other and protect one another. I also rather like the fact that they’re partial to a bit of a tipple.

Juicy Juicy Plums
I spent some of my formative years in the Cambridge area where there were ‘Pick Your Own’ fruit farms aplenty. Depending on the time of year it might be strawberries, raspberries, apples or plums. Plums were my favourite - especially Victoria Plums with their velvety pink and purple skins and juicy flesh. Heaven in a fruit bowl.

Start Your Day With A Mug You Love
My caffiene fix always tastes better from a mug I love. They don’t have to be fancy but they should feel pleasing. This one’s from Ikea. Most of mine are from charity shops though. Doesn’t matter, so long as you love it.