Members of Jean’s Bothy, a Community Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub covering Helensburgh & Lomond took part in Therapeutic Horticulture sessions delivered by students at UHI Argyll as part of their NC Horticulture course. It is well documented that being around plants and nature can have a soothing effect on the senses and therapeutic horticulture uses this to create enjoyable activities that engage the mind and body, promote communication and positive experiences. Members of the Bothy created seed bombs which could be distributed around the garden at the Bothy or taken home to plant. The joy of making somethimg combined with the anticipation of the wildflowers that would grow and the knowledge that they were creating a much needed resource for insects to thrive all contributed to a wonderful sense of wellbeing among the group. In a second session, members potted up seeds in readiness for a harvest of fruits, herbs and flowers in later months.